
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Natural Nutrition’s & Benefits

Introduction to Nutrients

              Nutrients can be simply defined as molecules in food that all organisms require to make energy, grow and reproduce. There are two categories under nutrients, macronutrients & micronutrients. The main macronutrients are carbohydrate, protein & fats. Vitamins & Minerals are the two micronutrients.

 Benefits of Natural Nutrition’s

Natural nutrition’s can be explained with three key Words. Natural as it is unprocessed and unrefined. Alive as it still contain live enzymes such as fruits, vegetables & sprouts. Good quality, grown in a soil rich in nutrients and free from pesticide and 
synthetic fertilizers.

In the 20th century the processed foods has become popular among the community and their diet has shifted towards ready to eat meals. Even though processed foods are convenient there are several negative side effects from consuming these types of processed foods such as,
Ø  Increased cancer risk
Ø  High sugar levels
Ø  Calorie dense and addiction

In fact, following a diet based on real quality food can be the best thing to maintain good health and a high quality of life.

Below are some of the views on the importance of consuming natural nutrients and how it affects the overall health of a person.

Ø  Loaded with important nutrients – 

               Unprocessed animal & plant foods provides Vitamins and minerals that is required for an optimal health. For an example a single brazil nut can provide the selenium that is required for a whole day, a cup of bell peppers, broccoli or oranges provides more than 100% of the RDI for vitamin.

  Ø  Low in sugar – 

                   Processed food is generally high in sugar which can increase the risk of obesity, insulin resistance, fatty liver disease and heart disease etc. Even though fruits contain sugar, it is high in water and fiber which makes it much healthier than processed food. Consuming organic foods that are low in sugar can also help to reduce the blood triglycerides.

  Ø  Maintain a healthy heart – 

                     Since real food are rich in antioxidants including magnesium and healthy fats it helps to reduce inflammation which is considered to be one of the major drivers to heart diseases.

Ø  High in fiber & healthy fats – 

                 Fiber provides many health benefits such as boosting the digestive function, metabolic health and feelings of fullness. Foods like organic avocados, chia seeds, flaxseeds are particularly high in fiber alongside beans and legumes.
Most naturally occurring fats are healthy like extra virgin olive oil that promotes heart health, coconut oil which increases the fat burning process and assist with weight loss.

Benefits of consuming organic and real food for fitness personnel

        Many studies have shown that fruits and vegies that are grown organically have higher contents of certain nutrients than the conventionally grown produce. 

For example studies shows that organically grown tomatoes, berries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C than the conventionally grown ones.

In the modern world animals are being injected with different kind of hormones and even the meat is being added water solution, salt and sodium phosphate to add moisture, improve tenderness and to extend shelf life. Since meat (mostly chicken and beef) is one of the main type of meats that is being daily consumed by fitness enthusiastic,

continuous consumption can increase the intake of those hormones and substances and lead to long term diseases such as cancer etc. Therefore it is best to switch to organic meats. 

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